Reasons to Consider Teeth Whitening

If your smile is looking dull or stained, Dr. Lanette Disera and Dr. Christine Dunham offer professional teeth whitening in Joliet, IL. Teeth whitening from your dentists can take years of stains off of your smile.

There are countless over-the-counter teeth whitening options available, but they are not safe or effective like the professional treatment from your dentist. In our office, we use medical-grade peroxide gel that is going to lighten your teeth up to eight shades during a treatment that lasts for thirty minutes to an hour. We will make sure that your gums are protected to avoid discomfort, and you will be supervised by our team the whole time.

We also provide a take-home option if you would rather whiten in the comfort of your own home. We will custom make trays from a mold of your teeth to ensure a perfect fit. You will also take home a professional strength gel.

Are you wondering why you should get teeth whitening? 

These are some of the fantastic benefits of teeth whitening in Joliet, IL:

  • Transforming your smile- teeth whitening can drastically brighten your teeth and give you back your smile
  • Quick and convenient- you can whiten your teeth on your lunch break or at home on your own time. Professional treatments work much faster than over the counter options, which take months
  • Long-lasting results- the results of your professional teeth whitening can last for two to three years. Remember to avoid things that stain your teeth, including smoking or drinking coffee to prolong your results
  • Safe procedure- professional teeth whitening uses materials that have been approved by the American Dental Association

If you are ready to transform your smile with professional teeth whitening in Joliet, IL, call Dr. Disera and Dr. Dunham at (815) 744-4333 to schedule a consultation today.

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Our Regular Schedule

Lanette M. Disera DDS. P.C


8:00 am-8:00 pm


8:00 am-7:00 pm


12:00 pm-7:00 pm


8:00 am-8:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm

